The - absolute - undeniable - must have - rockbottom - can’t do without - believe it or not - top 10 - Secrets of Sustainable Small Business Growth, in good times or bad
When your favorite small business coach started devising this article and blog i had 10 secrets in mind, but as I was writing it grew to 21 secrets and maybe it will even grow some more, so now I will be delivering them to you in installment over the next few weeks... here are the first 7.
PLEASE!: Take a few minutes and let them sink in. If you are not sure about any of them, drop me a line or call me or argue with me or shout me a coffee and pick my brain, but whatever you do, don't just glance over them and put them aside!
PLEASE!: Do something with each and every one of these secrets. This is important stuff... believe me, I know what I am talking about here.
Follow these secrets and the ones I will reveal over the coming weeks and true sustainable small business growth beckons sure as night follows day.... I personally guarantee it (and to prove it I will even Twitter about it so…it must be true!)
Here they are:
- Know what you are in this business for… and check in with yourself at least monthly that you are actually heading there.
- Decide what you are really good at, focus on it, get better at it, strive to be the best at it and do it again and again and again. (And please stop doing what you are not so good at!)
- State with absolute clarity to all and sundry what the truly inspiring thing is that your business is about (e.g. "We make the worlds most beautiful tables" or "Our plumbing installations are just plain sexy" or "We provide the best accountancy advice money can buy" or "Every customer smiles when they leave our shop" or "Our dresses will put you in the centre of the room")
- Ask yourself: Are we a "dream come true" for your clients?
- Who exactly, precisely are those clients... ? and then become known to those specific clients as a true specialist and expert
- What precisely is the benefit those clients get from doing business with me?
- State with absolute clarity and conviction precisely what your business stands for (e.g. "Our customers are in safe hands", "Never do anything to decrease our sense of pride", "we are never more than 5 minutes late", "Our installations are thoroughly tested for 24 hours, before handover") publicise it widely and allow everyone to keep you and your staff acountable to that.
Hope to hear from you soon.
My contacts:
Roland Hanekroot
New Perspectives Business Coaching
"Take Control of your Business and Your Life"