Thank you for tuning into this second installment of "The Secrets"
You might remember that Installment 1 was largely about the deeper purpose of your business and how that connects with your passion. Todays 7 secrets are mostly related to marketing, customer relations and your staff.
Installment 1 can be re-read on my website article archive: click here or on the blog archive here or I can email it to you again. Just click here:
Let me remind you of my pleases......
1)... PLEASE!: Take a few minutes and let "The Secrets" sink in. If you are not sure about any of them, drop me a line or call me or argue with me or shout me a coffee or abuse me or pick my brain, but whatever you do, don't just glance over them and put them aside!
2)... PLEASE!: Do something with each and every one of "The Secrets". This is important stuff... believe me, I know what I am talking about here.
As I foreshaddowed in the first installment, I have "Twittered" about "The Secrets" already... so they must be true and real.
Here they are (numbers should start at 8, but I can't get that work properly):
- Engage your staff in what you stand for, what you are good at and treat them the way you would personally like to be treated… generous, sharing, involved, accountable, open, clear
- Remind yourself and your staff regularly, at least once a month, that: The purpose of a business is to find customers and keep them, by giving them what they want, again and again
- Be truthful in all dealings... give it and expect it… Ask yourself what your your clients' absolute truth is and provide the absolute truth in return.
- Customers believe that you make them a promise when they buy from you... so... make absolutely sure you know what it is they believe your promise to them to be and deliver that... without fail... afterwards confirm you actually kept that promise with them.
- Decide if and why something is worth doing… and if it is... then it is always worth experimenting with it for a while and giving it another go if it doesn't work the first time.
- Make sure everyone knows what you and your business are really good at... YELL it from the rooftops at every opportunity you get, write about it, speak about it, blog about it, Twitter about it, Youtube about it, encourage your customers to rave about it, ensure your website raves about it, and your friends... do not be shy about this....ever!
- Create and build communities and relationships with people who want what you are really good at, communicate, know your community, share, give value... authentically and generously.
Those were "The Secrets" 8 to 14.... in about a week and a half I will reveal some more.... from Secret 15 we get into the financial stuff and money.... I bet you can't wait!
In the mean time something with "The Secrets"... and I say again if you want to talk to me or email about them I'd love to hear.... I am sure that we can have some great discussions about this stuff and I am happy to explain to you in more depth what the meaning of "The Secrets" is... but whatever you do: Don't just put it aside for another time... Do Something Different... Do Something NOW...
Hope to hear from you soon.
My contacts:
Roland Hanekroot
New Perspectives Business Coaching
"Take Control of your Business and Your Life"